Minggu, 08 Mei 2011



Personality Details

Name : Rizky Aditya P
Address : Jl. Palsigunung rt 06 rw 01
Postal Code : 16412
Phone : (021) 31744224
Email : qqpunkemo@yahoo.com
Gender : Male
Date of birth : June 22, 1989
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indonesia
Religion : Islam

Education Information
Formal Education:

* Bachelor degree, major of management, faculty of economics, Gunadarma University 2007-2011
* Senior high school, SMAN JIS Jakarta, 2004-2007
* Junior high school, SMPN 203, Jakarta, 2001-2004
* Elementary school, SDN Jatibening VIII Jakarta, 1995-2001

Language Prificiency

* Bahasa : Active - Passive
* English : Active - Passive